Monday, January 16, 2012

Long Weekend Is Over

Jennifer and the kids got back tonight after spending the weekend in Knoxville for Marisa's birthday party.  Sounds like they had a good time.  I stayed home and actually got the Christmas trees down and put away, all the ornaments boxed and all remaining holiday stuff has been successfully put away.  I think that's a record for us.  It usually looks like Christmas in our house until March.  It's always kinda sad to see it gone, but it's also nice to have the house back to normal, well, normal for us.  No pictures, but not much worth capturing unless you want to see the space on the floor where the tree was.  There were some pretend needles from the fake tree leftover, but not quite photo worthy.  Maybe some good pics from the adventures in Knoxville will show up in a future post.

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