Monday, January 30, 2012

Is It Jacob or Is It Neil

Jacob is giving his report tomorrow on Neil Armstrong, he has to give an oral presentation to the class as if he were Neil.  So we got my leather jacket out and I'm letting him take the helmet in too.  Got the shirt and pants from Goodwill and viola, instant Neil Armstrong.  Jacob has been working on the presentation for a while, the speech needs to be between 4-5 minutes long.  The first run through was 1 1/2 minutes and he's been constantly adding content to get closer to 4 minutes.  It's been a struggle at times to get him to work on it, but once he put on the outfit his motivation soared like a rocket going to the moon (pretty nice tie in huh).  The helmet is a nice disguised blessing, because he can't hear himself when talks he speaks much louder than normal, kinda like you're supposed to when giving a presentation.

Of course Joshua couldn't resist acting like big brother, plus the helmet and jacket are cool, how can anyone resist wearing them.

Josh was not only mimicking Jacob he was also trying to emulate a Star Wars character, the lightsaber should help you know who he was trying to be, if that's not enough the solid green hand should give it away.  You have to admit the likeness is uncanny, is Yoda on the left or the right?  Just so hard to tell.

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