Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It is foggy, misty, rainy, overcast, dreary - and HUMID!  This is when I dislike Atlanta weather.  It might as well just snow!

We had another meal adventure tonight.  Mom cooked the Swiss Chard we got in our basket this past Saturday.  It was beautiful looking.  She sauteed it with some olive oil then put hardboiled egg and crisp bacon with it to finish.  You would think with the egg and bacon it would have been a hit.  But not for me and the kids.  Sorry - just too slimy for me.  I could do okay with it with some more pepper on it (I know - I sound like Jacob!) - but still not something I loved.  Now - Dad and Matthew thought it was great.  We will do again sometime.

We also had grilled pork chops, spinach salad and rolls.  The kids also had apple sauce.  It was a good dinner and I am pleased we are sticking to the plan to keep trying new vegetables and new foods.

I spoke with the school counselor today at Ocee Elementary about Joshua's Neuropsychology Report.  Her suggestion is to do a "Student Support Team" meeting.  Since he doesn't have a medical diagnosis, then at this point he doesn't qualify for a 504 plan or IEP.  Now - I disagree - as he could/should fall under OHI (which is Other Health Impaired) but for now I will go along with the suggestions.  She is going to put together a meeting with Matthew, me, Principal, Mrs. Ciavardini (Joshua's teacher), Mrs. Tepper (Joshua's EIP teacher - EIP is Early Intervention Program), herself and the Occupational Therapist for the school.  She was going to initially see if she could speak with the school's OT to have an evaluation done of Joshua prior to our meeting.  The OT evaluation is my priority right now.  To try and give him more functional skills.  He seems to have the cognitive skills, but really needs assistance with the fine motor and gross motor skills.  Hopefully an appointment will come soon.

I am also a little bummed about basketball for Jacob.  Not sure if it would have helped if could have been on Zackary's team or not.  But I think he doesn't give himself enough credit.  He keeps thinking that he is like me - since in his view I was in TAG, also and that Layne is like Matthew.  But - he needs to understand that I loved Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball during school and played on the teams.  We told him he has to find something to do physically.  I think he would be a great Long Distance Runner - stick the headphones on and go!

Tomorrow evening is our first night back to Wednesday night activities at church.  Seems like we just need to keep up with it all again!

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