Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Game of T-Ball

Joshua had his first official game yesterday.  His team name is the TinCaps and they played the Rock Hounds.  He started out really great.  Very in to the game and then tuckered out and got distracted by wanting to play with one of the siblings of a team mate.

It was a very hot day, though.  One of those heavy days that are so humid you melt just walking outside.  We had dark clouds and thunder for a while, then sun, and then clouds again with a 5 minute shower.  Yes - Fall is here in Atlanta.

Here is our first time out field.  Matthew is helping to coach and doing a great job (even if I say so myself).

But don't get me wrong, he spent most of the time when playing outfield sitting in the dirt.

He had good form when up at bat.  And each time up at bat he hit off the pitch - never needed the tee this game.

And the hit -

And the run for 1st base - I don't know how he sees when wearing the hard helmet.

He definitely has the "I'm cool waiting at 1st" Look down pat, though:

He wouldn't go back out to play in the last inning.  Not really sure why.  He was supposed to play 1st Base - we tried to tell him how important 1st Base is and that it can be more fun than outfield - he wouldn't listen to us.  So he played with this cute little guy:

He was also really disappointed he didn't get a game ball.  We were at least able to tell him he has to play the whole game, and try his best, to get a game ball.  There are 3 or 4 girls on Joshua's team.  It is great to see girls out there playing.  Glad Matthew is helping out and enjoying this also.

I think I forgot to document the many happenings of Jacob and Layne's 11th Birthday.  We celebrated many times in many ways.  Their birthday this year was Sunday, August 26th.  We had dinner at Ippolito's the Saturday night before:

And they are learning some valuable lessons about money.  As they were shocked that we spent as much money on that one meal as we did for a week's worth of groceries.   They got money from Aunt Dee in their birthday cards.  They also each got an Amazon gift card from their younger brother.

On Sunday, they did not want to miss Catalyst (the 6th grade program at church) and lucky for them they were having a cook out that day.  Matthew went and helped with the cook out.  The Youth Director, Andy Webb, sang Happy Birthday just for them.

They still hang together most of the time.  I think it has to do with being twins.  And don't tell Layne and Jacob this - but I think they have gotten even closer this year since starting Middle School.

After Sunday activities at church, we went over to Grandma and Papa Jack's to have Birthday Cake and ice cream on their birthday.   They each got a Barnes and Noble gift card from Grandma and Papa Jack.  It took 2 people to light all the candles this year.

They also had a party again with Aunt Melanie, Marisa and Mitchell Labor Day weekend.  Aunt Melanie got a Bruster's Cookies and Cream Ice Cream cake.  Jacob got a vampire Lego set.  Layne got a game called Beat the Parents.  Although, when we played, the parents actually Beat the Kids.  It was fun and will be fun to play some more.  I didn't get any pictures that weekend. We had the dinner Layne calls "the meal with Aunt Melanie" :) LOL.  Layne says we always have grilled pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and Hawaiian Rolls went Aunt Melanie visits so she thought we could do that again.  She's too funny.

They got some great cards and more money from Grandmom and Grandfather for their birthday in the mail.

They had a fabulous birthday month.  

Still busy - between school, work, home, activities and life - we are trying to keep up and stop to enjoy every now and then.

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