Thursday, August 30, 2012

Middle School is kind of like Santa...

Only without the presents.

Layne was out sick for the first time in middle school yesterday.  She tested negative for strep, but the pediatrician still didn't like the look of her throat and we were on day 10 with Layne feeling worse, not better, so we got some antibiotics.  Our appointment was at 2:50 p.m.

By the time we left the doctor's office, went to Publix for the prescription, and got home - Taylor Road Middle School had sent me an email and left a voicemail on my cell phone letting me know that Layne was absent for all periods of the school day.  When we walked in the door at home, the phone was ringing, and it was a recorded message letting me know that Layne was absent all day.  I then had to acknowledge on the recording that I was aware of the absence.

I told the kids - it's kind of like Santa - they know when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake, they know if you've been bad or good - and they are going to tell your parents!

Layne seemed to do better last evening and the plan was for her to go to school today.  She woke up saying she didn't feel good.  I gave her the talk, that she needs to try and go to school as she told me she had 3 tests today.  I explained that it would be pretty stressful to have to make up all that work.  Matthew called me shortly after I left with Joshua that Layne was crying and saying she couldn't go to school.  So she has stayed home.  Hopefully she pulls it together to go tomorrow.  I explained to her that 3 days out is a big deal.

Still waiting to hear back from Ocee regarding the request to change classrooms for Joshua.  I waited patiently for a week (you know that is hard for me) after getting my hand slapped in an email from the Curriculum Support Teacher that she explained the process was no changes the first 10 days of school.  Well, we are now at the close of 14 days of school and I need an update!

We have had some cloudy skies and rain from Hurricane Isaac.  But we need the rain. So far no rain for Jacob and Layne getting to or from the school bus.

It is interesting that even though Jacob and Layne do not have any classes together, and are rarely even in the same hall as Jacob is in TAG, it was really stressfull for Jacob to go by himself yesterday.  I think she keeps him on schedule more than I realize - as he missed our stop coming home yesterday because he was reading on the bus and not paying attention.  His response was "Layne usually tells me when it's our stop". Yes, I can actually see that situation without even being there.

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