Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All about Joshua

This past weekend was another Teeball game for Joshua.  He did better staying focused.  But, still doesn't like to play outfield (duh!) and loves to bat.  He did a little better because we promised him he could go to Bruster's for ice cream afterwards if he did really well.

He loves to be at bat.  Such form, leaning into the ball, "squashing the bug" with his foot:

And the follow through on the swing:

Here is his "I am so cool waiting to run" look:

Check out this picture - his feet aren't even touching the ground and he is kicking up dirt on his run to home plate:

And our usual collage of "bored in the outfield":

Tonight - Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - was a Cub Scout Pack Meeting.  He got to wear his "official" uniform - he looks so cute:

Jacob ended up with a horrible case of Strep Throat on Friday.  He even threw up in the care after I picked him up from school.  And then again at Urgent Care.  He got Zofran for the nausea which helped a great deal.  I was the horrible mommy at Urgent Care and forgot to tell them that Jacob has an allergy to Penicillin.  Even had his Allergy Alert bracelet on his wrist.  So we ended up with Amoxicillin, filled it at the pharmacy, gave him his first dose and as he raised the medicine cup up to his lips - I saw the allergy alert bracelet.  So we had to get another antibiotic.  Ugh!

Jacob ended up wanting Mommy this weekend.  So I didn't got to Layne's game on Saturday morning.  He really was feeling awful and didn't want to be alone.  Grandma volunteered to stay with him, but he wanted his Mom this time.

Still trying to keep up with our schedule.  Seems to be busier every week.

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