Monday, August 13, 2012

First day of School

Jacob and Layne seemed to resign themselves to the fact that Middle School was inevitable.  We didn't have a lot of drama this past week or weekend.  I think going to Catalyst at JCUMC (the 6th grade program on Sundays from 5:15 to 7:15 and then Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:30 really helped ease some anxiety from kids who had "been there done that").

Don't get me wrong - they were appropriately anxious, difficulty sleeping last night, Jacob had stomach ache last night, Layne had stomach ache this morning - but all normal for such a big transition.  It also helped a bit to point out that they at least have someone else who is sharing this while Joshua is going to school without  sibling this year.

This is getting ready this morning -

   Layne making sure she has her schedule and knows exactly where to go.  Matthew downloaded a map of the school and marked all their classes so they knew exactly where they were in the building. '

Jacob showing a bit of his nerves.

 Dad helping Joshua put on his tie with his button down collar shirt and camo pants for the first day of school.  He laid this outfit out last night very carefully and very thoughtfully so he had just the right look.  He also got home made pancakes on the first day (he better not count on that every day).

Joshua leaving for the bust stop with Mom and Dad.  His bus leaves right at 7:04 a.m.  I thought I got a better picture than this - but this is it -

This is the obligatory "waiting at the bus stop picture".  Still not a very good one.  Joshua started to worry that he didn't remember where his room was, or what his teacher's name is, and that Jacob and Layne were not there to get him to his classroom.  So, Matthew drew him a map that he could take with him.  Joshua insisted that Matthew put down his cell phone number in case he needed to call Matthew.  (NOT that Joshua has a phone - but we did it anyway - he should make a good Cub Scout - trying to be prepared at an early age).

Layne and Jacob leaving the house.  It was about 78 degrees at this time outside and they were freezing - tells you how hot the summer has been for them, huh?  They look much more confident not that it is "go time".

And the obligatory "waiting at the bus stop" picture for Layne and Jacob.  I threatened to cry and give them big smoochy kisses but they would have none of that so I behaved.  Matthew was very grateful that the SUV that eventually pulled around the bus at the stop before us while the bus had his red lights on - was pulled over the Johns Creek motorcycle officer.  Thank you Johns Creek for being out in force today.

It did hit Layne this morning that they would be going to the bus stop in rain and cold this year and that she might actually need to wear pants.  We shall see.

Layne and Jacob came in the house about 4:40 p.m.  They were both happy and talkative and sharing.  The Jacob noticed that he hadn't written anything in his agenda and Layne had notes for the whole week for most of her classes - he got a little quiet at that point. I tried to gently remind him that I was not going to be included this year from his teachers and I was not going to be able to remind him of assignments - that this was up to him.  He will get it - it will just be more than likely the most painful way.  Layne can't believe how much she had learned already on the first day of school.  She has already completed her assignment due on Wednesday and planning her study time for a test next week Friday.

Went to pick up Joshua from Prime Time.  Miss Pippin is there again and in charge of the K and 1st graders.  Just love her and so glad she is there!  Joshua seemed pretty excited about his day.  Sounds like the map helped, but that he was looking on the wrong side of the hall and had to ask someone for his actual room.  You know - it is hard to keep track of right and left still.  He has a really organized teacher this year - her organization so far is feeling very positive for my little ADHD kid.  He is still disappointed that Jack is not in his classroom.  He did tell Matthew that he met a really nice girl in his class, but couldn't remember her name.  He decided he needed to make sure he got her name tomorrow.

I went over with Joshua tonight his "identification tag" that they make all kids K through 2 have on their back packs.  It includes Name, Teacher, Grade, Address, Parents Names and parent work and cell phone.  He wanted to know if he needed to call our work number first or our cell phone number first if he needed us.  Hopefully he will get settled soon.

They all 3 went to bed pretty good. So this is 1 down 187 to go, right?

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