Saturday, June 16, 2012

He's Home

I was so anxious.

Jacob called from the car on the way home about 10:45 a.m. to make sure we knew to be at the church at 11:00 a.m.  I could hear the conversation from upstairs.  He sounded good.  Matthew did get in the question "So did you have fun?" and Jacob did answer "Yes".

We got to church about 11:00 a.m.  They already had the trailers unloaded. 

Which means we got to watch this poor guy try and get the remaining trailer strategically parked between two others.  He had quite the audience and quite the vocal help.  We stayed out of it.

One of the major instructions was that parents were NOT to touch any luggage.  Getting the luggage to the car was the responsibility of the Boy Scout.   So, Jacob started out light.   Just the sleeping bag and sleeping mat.

Then he tried to carry his trunk by himself and couldn't quite do it alone.  So his plan was going to be take the trunk apart and carry it piece by piece.

And then this very nice, older Boy Scout, came over to help him carry.

This is all of his stuff in the back of the car - and the smiling faces of Joshua and Layne.  They wouldn't tell Jacob they missed him, but they sure gave awfully good hugs.

This is a very bad picture.  But wanted to put one out for the memory.  This is Mr. Dave Pfeifer, he is the Scout Master for Troop 3143.  His sons are in their 20s now and this is his last year.  We are very lucky to have him this year.  He kept a close eye on Jacob.  He helped him get through the week.  He told us when we were at church that Jacob had a great time at camp.  He also warned us, that Jacob would probably tell us he didn't like it - yeah, we did know that one already - but very nice of him to warn us. He went on the 5 mile hike around the lake and was able to earn his Mountain Man patch this past week.  This is the leader who came out to the car when Jacob went to his first Troop Meeting and got Jacob to come in from the car. 

Here is my happy camper - it was so good to get a hug from him - a wonderful Jacob hug - after a week away.

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