Monday, June 11, 2012

Parties, Rainbows, and Camper of the Day

The Pinewalk neighborhood had their opening Pool Party this past Saturday.  Melanie came down with Marisa and Layne following GS Camp so they were able to be here again.

They had a caricature artist there for a couple of hours.  I didn't figure that out, but the girls did and they got their caricature completed.  Joshua really wanted his done, but the artist stopped at the person before him in line.  Joshua actually handled it really well.  I was prepared for tears, but I distracted him with "go get Daddy to play with you in the deep end".  (Sorry Matthew)

Here is a picture of Marisa and Layne getting their caricature completed:

They had The Varsity come and provide hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries and onion rings for dinner.  Here is Mitchell wearing his Varsity hat - "What'll ya' have?":

Tonight coming home from work I saw the most beautiful rainbow.  It was actually a double rainbow but you can't see it in the picture.  I took this in front of Publix this evening.  It was really bright at some points.  I haven't seen a rainbow since the last time Mom, Melanie and I went to the Container Store.  We went again yesterday, wonder if that is a coincidence or a sign?

Today was the first day of Chattahoochee Girls Basketball Camp for Layne.  Oh it was so painful this morning.  Wouldn't get out of bed, didn't want to go, started crying, was hugging her stuffed animals, wouldn't brush her teeth or do her hair - ended up being about 30 minutes late.  It was horrible (for me).  Sounds like the coach and the girls on the team really pulled together for Layne.  She ended up having a fun day.  Is excited about tomorrow.  And.....drum roll please.....She got The Camper of the Day Award today.

I am still worrying about Jacob.  I can't even begin to imagine the amount of gray hair I will have by the end of this week.  I am grateful for hair coloring - not so excited about the expense.

At least we haven't received a call from Boy Scout Camp....yet.  I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that we haven't scarred him for life (with this camp experience).

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