Saturday, June 16, 2012

He's Home

I was so anxious.

Jacob called from the car on the way home about 10:45 a.m. to make sure we knew to be at the church at 11:00 a.m.  I could hear the conversation from upstairs.  He sounded good.  Matthew did get in the question "So did you have fun?" and Jacob did answer "Yes".

We got to church about 11:00 a.m.  They already had the trailers unloaded. 

Which means we got to watch this poor guy try and get the remaining trailer strategically parked between two others.  He had quite the audience and quite the vocal help.  We stayed out of it.

One of the major instructions was that parents were NOT to touch any luggage.  Getting the luggage to the car was the responsibility of the Boy Scout.   So, Jacob started out light.   Just the sleeping bag and sleeping mat.

Then he tried to carry his trunk by himself and couldn't quite do it alone.  So his plan was going to be take the trunk apart and carry it piece by piece.

And then this very nice, older Boy Scout, came over to help him carry.

This is all of his stuff in the back of the car - and the smiling faces of Joshua and Layne.  They wouldn't tell Jacob they missed him, but they sure gave awfully good hugs.

This is a very bad picture.  But wanted to put one out for the memory.  This is Mr. Dave Pfeifer, he is the Scout Master for Troop 3143.  His sons are in their 20s now and this is his last year.  We are very lucky to have him this year.  He kept a close eye on Jacob.  He helped him get through the week.  He told us when we were at church that Jacob had a great time at camp.  He also warned us, that Jacob would probably tell us he didn't like it - yeah, we did know that one already - but very nice of him to warn us. He went on the 5 mile hike around the lake and was able to earn his Mountain Man patch this past week.  This is the leader who came out to the car when Jacob went to his first Troop Meeting and got Jacob to come in from the car. 

Here is my happy camper - it was so good to get a hug from him - a wonderful Jacob hug - after a week away.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just Busy

No pics, just some info on our day.  Layne had a good time at camp again, not as much fun as yesterday though.  Today she had to work a bit harder and is tired, so the excitement level wasn't quite there.  Layne did tell me about all the competitions she won, that did seem to perk her up.  Really glad she is doing so well and having a good time.

Josh is enjoying his time with Gramma and then he gets to come home and play with the neighbor Sammy.  Ah, those wonderful days when you didn't need to eat or bathe, just enjoy life with no worries.  Joshua is on the stinky side so there is a bath in his future.

We hope Jacob is having fun and surviving camp.  I'm sure there will be some struggles, but as long as the overall experience is positive it will be a good thing for him.

Jennifer and I are both busy with work, waiting for these next pay days to come around so we can rub two pennies together again.  I did get the dishes in the kitchen sink done after the long drought without water, that was a minor miracle.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Parties, Rainbows, and Camper of the Day

The Pinewalk neighborhood had their opening Pool Party this past Saturday.  Melanie came down with Marisa and Layne following GS Camp so they were able to be here again.

They had a caricature artist there for a couple of hours.  I didn't figure that out, but the girls did and they got their caricature completed.  Joshua really wanted his done, but the artist stopped at the person before him in line.  Joshua actually handled it really well.  I was prepared for tears, but I distracted him with "go get Daddy to play with you in the deep end".  (Sorry Matthew)

Here is a picture of Marisa and Layne getting their caricature completed:

They had The Varsity come and provide hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries and onion rings for dinner.  Here is Mitchell wearing his Varsity hat - "What'll ya' have?":

Tonight coming home from work I saw the most beautiful rainbow.  It was actually a double rainbow but you can't see it in the picture.  I took this in front of Publix this evening.  It was really bright at some points.  I haven't seen a rainbow since the last time Mom, Melanie and I went to the Container Store.  We went again yesterday, wonder if that is a coincidence or a sign?

Today was the first day of Chattahoochee Girls Basketball Camp for Layne.  Oh it was so painful this morning.  Wouldn't get out of bed, didn't want to go, started crying, was hugging her stuffed animals, wouldn't brush her teeth or do her hair - ended up being about 30 minutes late.  It was horrible (for me).  Sounds like the coach and the girls on the team really pulled together for Layne.  She ended up having a fun day.  Is excited about tomorrow.  And.....drum roll please.....She got The Camper of the Day Award today.

I am still worrying about Jacob.  I can't even begin to imagine the amount of gray hair I will have by the end of this week.  I am grateful for hair coloring - not so excited about the expense.

At least we haven't received a call from Boy Scout Camp....yet.  I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that we haven't scarred him for life (with this camp experience).

Friday, June 8, 2012

Camp Glisson 2012

This year JCUMC was not having Camp Glisson Day Camp as there is too much disruption with the construction of the new sanctuary.  The kids were pretty bummed at first.

Then I noticed that a church not too far from us was having a Camp Glisson Day - Birmingham UMC in Milton, Georgia.

Unfortunately, it was also the week of Girl Scout Camp for Layne and Marisa.

So we decided to have a Boy's Camp and a Girl's Camp week this year.  Layne went to Knoxville, TN to attend Girl Scout Day Camp with Marisa.  Mitchell camp to Atlanta to attend Glisson Day Camp with Jacob and Layne.

It was the first time that I had been to Milton.  It is a beautiful city.  Lots of green, horse farms, and some big estates.  There were also 2 quaint towns to drive through on the way to the church.

The church itself is absolutely beautiful.  Pictures will not do it justice.  But the new church building blends in with the landscape and the grounds are extensive and planned for walks and moments of solitude.  A wonderful place to retreat.

Here are some pictures from today's final day activities:

This is the outdoor area between the sanctuary and the classroom / multi-purpose center.  There is a huge outdoor fireplace and they have rocking chairs and stone seats.  The camp held a devotional at this spot each day with the kids.

In this picture you are able to see the double sided fireplace and the rocking chairs.

Here is Jacob with his counselor Brinkley.  She was really nice and hung out with all 3 of the boys quite a bit this week.   (she's also really cute)

I think Joshua became quite the Lady's Man this week, as evidenced below:

Exhibit A - strategically positioned in the back row of girls.

Exhibit B - but also likes the older ladies, too.  She isn't even his counselor.

Exhibit C - He also made close friends with Jacob's counselor Brinkley.

Exhibit D - Anna would hardly leave Joshua's side and begged for a picture before we could leave:

Exhibit E - I thought we were going to make it out - but nooooo, this girl ran up to us and also asked for a picture with Joshua.  Anna had to get in the picture again as she was following us down the sidwalk.   Joshua isn't even sure of the name of the other girl in the picture.

Here is Joshua with his counselors - Sara and Matt:

Now Mitchell thinks that "all girls are gross" and he didn't want anything to do with pictures.  But I think he had a few admirers also.  He insists he wasn't "dancing" in this picture, he was "just standing up with everyone".  The girls on either side of Mitchell seemed to make sure they were standing with him during the ending presentation.  Especially the girl with the cool pink / zebra outfit.  But, Mitchell still insisted whenever I said that I thought she liked him that I was "just being gross!".

Mitchell did let me take one picture with the counselor, but only if Joshua did it too.  It's a good picture, though.  Thank you Mitchell.

We are sad it is over again.  There were some tears for Jacob.  But a very successful week.  I might have even implied that we could look at going to Glisson Day Camp next summer at both churches.

Matthew can update about our water line later this weekend.

We will also update about Boy Scout Camp.  Jacob is trying to be so brave.  I am so hopeful for this upcoming week for him.  Say a little prayer for courage for Jacob this coming week.