Sunday, March 11, 2012

Josh's First Baseball Game

He was a little reluctant at first, he didn't want to put on his uniform, why did Mom sign him up for baseball.  He eventually settled and we got to the game without any problems.  Joshua batted third and got his first hit, he was so excited he took his helmet off at first base, by the time he was getting it back on the next batter had hit the ball and Josh was thrown out at second.  He batted successfully each time and made it home plate following his singles.

His outfield experience was a tad bit different, he was bored and would sit in the field with nothing to do, even when the ball was hit, he paid no attention and would just keep playing.  We'll have to keep working on his fielding.

The coach gave out game balls after the game, Joshua was given the game ball for "Offensive Player", he made it to first safely each at bat in his first ever game.  He was clearly proud.

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