Saturday, March 31, 2012

Home Alone

Jennifer and the kids are gone all week to D.C. for spring break, and I am left alone to peace and quiet.  Still awkward at the moment, as if something is wrong, but I'm sure I'll appreciate it more as the week goes on.  And a busy week it will be, lots going on at work, so probably won't get as much done on the house as hoped, but at least having time for work won't be a problem.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Beautiful Saturday

Fabulous weather.  A little warm at over 80 degrees this afternoon - especially sitting outside in the sun at Layne's soccer game.

It was beautiful even with the yellowish green coating of pollen.  The weathermen tell us we are only a week ahead in the pollen schedule compared to last year - but it seems so early.  It must be due to the heat we already have this season.

The day started out with Joshua getting pictures with baseball team.  Matthew got up and picked him up at Grandma and Papa Jack's.  All 3 kids spent the night last night.  Pictures were at 8:30 a.m.  Then his game was at 9:30.  I did stay home for his game this morning.  I am told he batted well and even made a play at 2nd base when he was outfield.  Sounds like all his coaches were very supportive at how well he played.

Matthew then picked up Jacob and Layne (who slept in at Grandma's while Joshua had his game) and came home for a break before Layne's soccer game at 1:00 p.m.

Soccer this season is a bit different.  Even though we are playing through our church, we have no soccer fields at our church.  Construction is ongoing with our new sanctuary and we will not have soccer fields again until the Fall.  So we are practicing at Seven Oaks neighborhood field and playing at Medlock Bridge neighborhood field.  The fields aren't as good, but we will survive. 

Layne had a good game.  She doesn't like the heat and was tired quickly in to the first half.  Their whole team did well.  She got to take a penalty kick and made a goal.  She got to take a goal kick and was soooo close to making a goal but it is different when you have a line of opposing team players in front of you - but she kicked it over them - it just went a bit outside of the goal.  We all thought she might have made it at first.

Looking at the picture you wouldn't guess how much Coach Dad tells Layne to bend her knees "you aren't a statue Layne!".

Jacob's version of watching a soccer game:

 They had a nice playground at the Medlock Bridge Subdivision where Layne had her soccer game.  The boys spent quite a bit of time during the game here. 

Joshua has worn his baseball uniform all day.  He is even sleeping in his jersey for bed!

Notice that even when playing on a playground, Jacob still has his Kindle Fire with me.

They did play together for a bit on the playground, though. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Josh's First Baseball Game

He was a little reluctant at first, he didn't want to put on his uniform, why did Mom sign him up for baseball.  He eventually settled and we got to the game without any problems.  Joshua batted third and got his first hit, he was so excited he took his helmet off at first base, by the time he was getting it back on the next batter had hit the ball and Josh was thrown out at second.  He batted successfully each time and made it home plate following his singles.

His outfield experience was a tad bit different, he was bored and would sit in the field with nothing to do, even when the ball was hit, he paid no attention and would just keep playing.  We'll have to keep working on his fielding.

The coach gave out game balls after the game, Joshua was given the game ball for "Offensive Player", he made it to first safely each at bat in his first ever game.  He was clearly proud.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring in Atlanta

Well - the pollen is here.  We do not have a lovely coat of yellow over everything yet - but we are all feeling it in special ways.  Jacob and Layne had headaches yesterday, Joshua and I are stuffy and sinusy (I think Grandma is, too), and Matthew is a sneeze monster.

We had a slight freeze last night but not sure it will help very much. 

Obviously we are staying busy.

Layne will start soccer practices this week with her first practice this Friday.  She finished basketball this past weekend.  No rest in between for her.

Jacob will continue swim.  We have had quite a few issues being able to schedule swim classes with him at the YMCA and finding the right class.  So, when they wanted to change us again this session and I couldn't switch, they offered us private lessons.  I am sure you can imagine Jacob's excitement - not!  So he starts private lessons today for this session and hopefully we can get him in the next Fish class for next session.  They made it clear that this was a one time offer to have private lessons at the group rate.

Joshua is still playing baseball.  He has a hard time concentrating on the field.  But, you know, baseball can be kind of boring, especially at this age.  So I think he is about where he is expected to be at this point.  He needs some more practice throwing - he thinks a little too hard about the throw.  But he loves batting.  He even hit the ball from a pitch last week - not using the tee.  His first game is this Saturday.  His team name is the Braves.  Will be somewhat difficult for this group to cheer for the Braves, but we will keep it in perspective.

Layne and Jacob took the course Created by God this past weekend through our church which was led by one of the pastors who is primarily a therapist in the counseling center.  The instructor was wonderful.  The kids learned quite a bit.  I asked Layne to tell me something they learned and she said they learned "a lot of big words".  I asked her to tell me 2 words they learned and the 2 she offered were Circumcision and Erection.  Yep - they learned a lot!  We were told to be ready for lots of questions after they take this course - so far no questions.  Jacob's comment was that he wasn't ready to know all that stuff yet.  But, we told him we were sure quite a few of his friends were talking at school and we thought he needed to know the "right stuff" from our point of view.  He agreed somewhat reluctantly.

So we are hanging in there - stuffy noses, sneezing, watery eyes and all.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Survived the Storms

Some horrific tornadoes hit the U.S. yesterday, some just north of Louisville in Indiana and some in Alabama.  The Alabama storms came directly over our city.  The tornado sirens went off and everything.  We got the kids in the bathroom and waited it out.  Luckily the storms past without doing and damage, and no tornado, but it got scary.