Sunday, September 23, 2012

Get Your Boy Scout Popcorn Here!

So Joshua is the next Ganote Salesperson.  He did his part to sell popcorn this weekend with his Troop.  He had the line down and knew the prices of his product.

It took me a minute, and some interpretation, but the tag line is "Get your Boy Scout popcorn here, right here right now, or make a donation".   He just looks so darn cute in his uniform.

Here he is with another kid in his troop.

Had an interesting car weekend.  Took the Toyota Avalon in on Friday to have 4 new tires and an alignment.  Woke up Saturday with Matthew's van not able to start.  Did our rounds of Soccer / T-ball and at the Tball field had to call my mom back to give us a jump in the van.  Took the van in to get a new battery and switch out for the Avalon.  Was "sluggish' driving out of the parking lot and the air conditioning died on the way home.  Yippee.  Matthew and Joshua went to sell popcorn and on the way back the Avalon completely died on Sargent Road - even the hazards wouldn't stay on.   So back to the car repair place with the Avalon again for a new alternator and a new belt that is snapped when the alternator broke.  Ugh!  I hate car expenses!  That went the extra we had gotten the last couple pay checks.  Oh, well, at least we were able to get it done.

Layne had Girl Scouts today.  They went to a no kill animal shelter - which she loved!  Sounds like they are wanting the girls to consider this to be their project for the Silver Award the next 3 years.  Layne would love that!

Matthew had wanted to go in to work today, Sunday, but with all the added car needs, he wasn't sure how to get it in.  But, he and I took advantage of time alone with Joshua (Layne at Girl Scouts and Jacob at Conner's) to take him out to lunch and have a few minutes with just him.  He of course, enjoyed this.  So after this Matthew went in to work after taking Joshua and I up to get the Avalon - AGAIN.  Joshua and I got Layne, then went to Conner's to get Jacob, and then took Jacob and Layne to church for Sunday Night Catalyst.  Layne got very annoyed with Jacob when we arrived - not sure what that was about.  Joshua and I then went back and picked them up at 7:15 p.m.

Came home, where Jacob immediately declared that he had a headache and his stomache didn't feel good.  I asked him if he felt okay at Conner's and he did, of course.  I guess it's just his family that makes him sick.  He had about an hour and a half of homework.  We made mini hotdogs for the kids to eat and by about 8:30 p.m. Matthew came home.

Still feeling weighed down with the house and money.  But, I will focus on the joy of my family and the time with Jacob, Layne, and Joshua.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend of keeping up

Last night was Friday Night Movie Night at Ocee Elementary School.  We took Conner and Griffin with us also.  Conner is Jacob's very best friend who moved this summer and is now going to another school.  They have kept up with seeing each other here and there on the weekends.  Since we were going back to their elementary school we though Conner and Griffin would have fun going also.

We picked the boys up and all went to Taco Mac for dinner.  We had cheese dip and chicken wings.  Griffin is hilarious.  I don't think I have been around a 8 year old boy who knows so much about professional baseball, professional football, and politics.  He was very open with telling us who he was going to vote for this presidential election.

The movie was the Lorax.  Matthew and I had not seen the movie and it was pretty good.  This was the best set-up for movie night I think they have had at Ocee.  At least they had the movie on the lawn instead of taking up one of the parking lots.

We were out pretty late.  Took Conner, Griffin home about 10:00 p.m.  Conner tried to pay me $50.00 to keep his little brother Griffin for the weekend.  Jacob stayed the night last night and will stay tonight also.

Layne had to be up and out by 7:00 a.m. for soccer pictures and then her game was at 9:00 a.m.

Here she is making her moves on offense the first half of the game.

Then mom and I couldn't find her the 2nd half of the game - OMG - she played Goalie.  I hate it when she plays Goalie.  It is so hard to watch.  They scored 3 goals while Goalie and she blocked quite a few other attempts.

She looks ready for anything in this picture:

And here she saved the ball from goal and is kicking it back in to play. 

We went directly from soccer at 9:00 a.m. to baseball at 11:00 a.m.  Joshua was in a mood.  Didn't want to play, only wants to bat, "hates baseball".  Ugh!  I don't know why my kids don't want to do things.  Matthew carried him on to the field at the beginning of the game.  (you know, the man who isn't supposed to pick up anything heavier than 20 lbs. !!!)

They had Joshua playing 3rd Base one of the innings, you know, because he hates outfield.  He didn't pay anymore attention in this position. 

Here's Matthew helping our team at 1st base when up to bat.  That is Joshua when he made it to 1st after hitting off the tee.  (he does seem to be hitting off the tee more this season - but I think it might be the coach/pitcher)

This is Joshua running to 2nd base - I do not know how he did his arms this way to run.

And this always makes me laugh at the end of the game where they "high five" the other team - all the kids just have their arms / hands out and run at each other - too funny.

Joshua and Matthew are now selling popcorn for Cub Scouts.  I should get a picture or two when they get back.  My text update is that Joshua is doing great and sold $20.00 right when they got there.

I miss Jacob - it feels weird without him being with us - but I know he is having a great time at Conner's and needs the down time with a friend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All about Joshua

This past weekend was another Teeball game for Joshua.  He did better staying focused.  But, still doesn't like to play outfield (duh!) and loves to bat.  He did a little better because we promised him he could go to Bruster's for ice cream afterwards if he did really well.

He loves to be at bat.  Such form, leaning into the ball, "squashing the bug" with his foot:

And the follow through on the swing:

Here is his "I am so cool waiting to run" look:

Check out this picture - his feet aren't even touching the ground and he is kicking up dirt on his run to home plate:

And our usual collage of "bored in the outfield":

Tonight - Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - was a Cub Scout Pack Meeting.  He got to wear his "official" uniform - he looks so cute:

Jacob ended up with a horrible case of Strep Throat on Friday.  He even threw up in the care after I picked him up from school.  And then again at Urgent Care.  He got Zofran for the nausea which helped a great deal.  I was the horrible mommy at Urgent Care and forgot to tell them that Jacob has an allergy to Penicillin.  Even had his Allergy Alert bracelet on his wrist.  So we ended up with Amoxicillin, filled it at the pharmacy, gave him his first dose and as he raised the medicine cup up to his lips - I saw the allergy alert bracelet.  So we had to get another antibiotic.  Ugh!

Jacob ended up wanting Mommy this weekend.  So I didn't got to Layne's game on Saturday morning.  He really was feeling awful and didn't want to be alone.  Grandma volunteered to stay with him, but he wanted his Mom this time.

Still trying to keep up with our schedule.  Seems to be busier every week.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Game of T-Ball

Joshua had his first official game yesterday.  His team name is the TinCaps and they played the Rock Hounds.  He started out really great.  Very in to the game and then tuckered out and got distracted by wanting to play with one of the siblings of a team mate.

It was a very hot day, though.  One of those heavy days that are so humid you melt just walking outside.  We had dark clouds and thunder for a while, then sun, and then clouds again with a 5 minute shower.  Yes - Fall is here in Atlanta.

Here is our first time out field.  Matthew is helping to coach and doing a great job (even if I say so myself).

But don't get me wrong, he spent most of the time when playing outfield sitting in the dirt.

He had good form when up at bat.  And each time up at bat he hit off the pitch - never needed the tee this game.

And the hit -

And the run for 1st base - I don't know how he sees when wearing the hard helmet.

He definitely has the "I'm cool waiting at 1st" Look down pat, though:

He wouldn't go back out to play in the last inning.  Not really sure why.  He was supposed to play 1st Base - we tried to tell him how important 1st Base is and that it can be more fun than outfield - he wouldn't listen to us.  So he played with this cute little guy:

He was also really disappointed he didn't get a game ball.  We were at least able to tell him he has to play the whole game, and try his best, to get a game ball.  There are 3 or 4 girls on Joshua's team.  It is great to see girls out there playing.  Glad Matthew is helping out and enjoying this also.

I think I forgot to document the many happenings of Jacob and Layne's 11th Birthday.  We celebrated many times in many ways.  Their birthday this year was Sunday, August 26th.  We had dinner at Ippolito's the Saturday night before:

And they are learning some valuable lessons about money.  As they were shocked that we spent as much money on that one meal as we did for a week's worth of groceries.   They got money from Aunt Dee in their birthday cards.  They also each got an Amazon gift card from their younger brother.

On Sunday, they did not want to miss Catalyst (the 6th grade program at church) and lucky for them they were having a cook out that day.  Matthew went and helped with the cook out.  The Youth Director, Andy Webb, sang Happy Birthday just for them.

They still hang together most of the time.  I think it has to do with being twins.  And don't tell Layne and Jacob this - but I think they have gotten even closer this year since starting Middle School.

After Sunday activities at church, we went over to Grandma and Papa Jack's to have Birthday Cake and ice cream on their birthday.   They each got a Barnes and Noble gift card from Grandma and Papa Jack.  It took 2 people to light all the candles this year.

They also had a party again with Aunt Melanie, Marisa and Mitchell Labor Day weekend.  Aunt Melanie got a Bruster's Cookies and Cream Ice Cream cake.  Jacob got a vampire Lego set.  Layne got a game called Beat the Parents.  Although, when we played, the parents actually Beat the Kids.  It was fun and will be fun to play some more.  I didn't get any pictures that weekend. We had the dinner Layne calls "the meal with Aunt Melanie" :) LOL.  Layne says we always have grilled pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and Hawaiian Rolls went Aunt Melanie visits so she thought we could do that again.  She's too funny.

They got some great cards and more money from Grandmom and Grandfather for their birthday in the mail.

They had a fabulous birthday month.  

Still busy - between school, work, home, activities and life - we are trying to keep up and stop to enjoy every now and then.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Middle School is kind of like Santa...

Only without the presents.

Layne was out sick for the first time in middle school yesterday.  She tested negative for strep, but the pediatrician still didn't like the look of her throat and we were on day 10 with Layne feeling worse, not better, so we got some antibiotics.  Our appointment was at 2:50 p.m.

By the time we left the doctor's office, went to Publix for the prescription, and got home - Taylor Road Middle School had sent me an email and left a voicemail on my cell phone letting me know that Layne was absent for all periods of the school day.  When we walked in the door at home, the phone was ringing, and it was a recorded message letting me know that Layne was absent all day.  I then had to acknowledge on the recording that I was aware of the absence.

I told the kids - it's kind of like Santa - they know when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake, they know if you've been bad or good - and they are going to tell your parents!

Layne seemed to do better last evening and the plan was for her to go to school today.  She woke up saying she didn't feel good.  I gave her the talk, that she needs to try and go to school as she told me she had 3 tests today.  I explained that it would be pretty stressful to have to make up all that work.  Matthew called me shortly after I left with Joshua that Layne was crying and saying she couldn't go to school.  So she has stayed home.  Hopefully she pulls it together to go tomorrow.  I explained to her that 3 days out is a big deal.

Still waiting to hear back from Ocee regarding the request to change classrooms for Joshua.  I waited patiently for a week (you know that is hard for me) after getting my hand slapped in an email from the Curriculum Support Teacher that she explained the process was no changes the first 10 days of school.  Well, we are now at the close of 14 days of school and I need an update!

We have had some cloudy skies and rain from Hurricane Isaac.  But we need the rain. So far no rain for Jacob and Layne getting to or from the school bus.

It is interesting that even though Jacob and Layne do not have any classes together, and are rarely even in the same hall as Jacob is in TAG, it was really stressfull for Jacob to go by himself yesterday.  I think she keeps him on schedule more than I realize - as he missed our stop coming home yesterday because he was reading on the bus and not paying attention.  His response was "Layne usually tells me when it's our stop". Yes, I can actually see that situation without even being there.

Monday, August 27, 2012

"He's Sexy and He Knows It"

There is a popular song right now on the radio from LMFAO - it is called "Sexy and I Know It".  Not sure where Joshua first heard the song.  He knew the song from last year.  It does have a great beat and is really intended to be fun.  But definitely not something we play or encourage.

Here is a piece of the original:

All of us have liked the parody "I'm Farming and I Grow It".  Very creative.  Melanie likes the part "I work out.........................side".


Yesterday while Joshua and I had some time together (Layne, Jacob and Matthew were at church), Joshua asked me to play on the radio "I'm Sexy and I Know It".  I went through and explained that I can't just pick a song like dad does from his Ipod touch, it just has to be on the radio.

He thought for a minute and then from the back seat I hear:

Joshua: "I know what sexy means."
Mom: "Oh, okay." (absolutely not sure I wanted to have this conversation).

Long pause.  Then,

Joshua: "Do you want me to tell you?"
Mom: "Sure."
Joshua: "It means looking good and wearing awesome clothes".

No, I did not wreck the car and I am so glad he couldn't see my face.  So, just in case you hear Joshua say "I'm sexy and I know it", he means he is looking good!

I guess he gets this from me, I hear from my mom and dad I could do a really good version of "Afternoon Delight" around age 6 years. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

11 years ago today

Layne and Jacob were born.  I cannot believe they are in Middle School.

They are still doing well adjusting to a new school, much better than I had anticipated after all of the drama of last Spring and this Summer.

Didn't do much this year.  Went to dinner at Ippolito's on Saturday night with Grandma and Papa Jack.  Sunday (their actual birthday) they told us they needed to stay home from church as they had too much homework.  And, they actually did homework all morning. 

Sunday afternoon we went to Sprint and activated their phones.  They each now have a cell phone.  We discussed this is a trial period to make sure they can use them responsibly and take care of them.  They cannot have their phones in their rooms after bed time and they must leave them in their lockers during school. And - mom and dad have the option of checking their phone call log and text messages whenever we wish.  Just some early rules.  I am sure more will come.

They went to Sunday Evening Catalyst at church with Matthew.  The United Methodist Men provided a cookout for the kids and Matthew helped.  Andy Webb sang Happy Birthday to them also.

When they got back we went over to Grandma and Papa Jack's with a birthday cake and oreo ice cream so we could sing Happy Birthday, too.