Monday, February 27, 2012

Hot Water Tank Is Toast

Came home last night from the Blue Gold Banquet and discovered a lovely pool of water right inside the door to the house from the garage.  It seemed to be the hotwater tank.  Layne ran and got towels from upstairs and I shut off the water to the tank (at least I hoped I did, I kept checking into the evening).  Luckily the water that had leaked seemed to stay right near the door and not go into the drywall or the carpet.  Once cleaned up I was almost excited, we have the home warranty, we might get a new water heater, maybe even pay a smidge more to uprgrade to an even better tank.... huho no, not sure who I was kidding, no, we don't have that kind of luck.

Yes, the warranty did cover the tank and installation, but it did not cover the fact the tank had not been up to code, it was twenty years old and times have changed.  My joy of a new tank quickly turned to depression of owning a twenty year old home and it was/is showing it's age.  Our replacement tank, worth maybe $400 dollars cost $1000 to bring up to code, none of which was covered by the warranty.  I knew there was a reason I didn't play the lottery all that often.  It's always gonna be something.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet

Big night for Jacob!  So proud of him.

Matthew will write more later.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally Recovered From Disney

As I'm sure all have noticed, we haven't blogged in a while.  We were at Disney World February 11-16 and we really pushed to get as much in as we could.  It was a great time, but we all came home exhausted.  Our first day back the kids stayed at Jack and Judy's, it was a struggle getting them up and over to the house but we made it.  The kids took advantage of the day off from school and slept, they were asleep from the time I dropped them off, around 8:30 until 3:30 that afternoon.  We are just now getting back to normal, but man what an awesome time.  Already discussing the next trip.

I/we will try and keep up better with the blog now that we'll be home a bit more.  Still busy, but should be able to squeeze in a post here and there.